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Digital transformation of public administrations

luca_carrone.pngLuca Carrone |

In the context of digitalization, it is essential to improve the efficiency of administrative tasks within municipalities and public administration to ensure better delivery of public services. However, these entities are often grappling with time-consuming administrative activities that can hamper productivity.

Digital transformation offers valuable opportunities to automate administrative tasks. WEDO is a major asset in this field and has a proven track record as an cloud based, high-performance municipal government software. With its user-friendly interface, it enables local authority and public service professionals to quickly create, organize and manage essential documents. This automation frees up valuable time that can be reallocated to more strategic activities.

Efficient management of committee meetings, town council meetings and municipal assemblies

Municipal meetings play an essential role in the decision-making process within public administrations. However, organizing and keeping track of them can be time-consuming.

WEDO simplifies this process by making it easy to create city council agendas or any other operational meeting agendas. The web app helps schedule meetings, write meeting notes, and share them easily and securely. As a result, we structure discussions better, make decisions faster, and closely monitor their implementation. WEDO is ideal for managing all types of meeting, whether bilateral or large-scale.

government software solutions for municipal council meetings

Tracking discussions and decisions of council's and areas' meetings

Traceability of discussions and decisions is a key element in the transparent management of public administration. WEDO meets this requirement by recording every discussion, every decision and every task precisely and with a time stamp. This traceability guarantees complete documentation, promoting public accountability and trust in public institutions.

Before choosing a meeting manager, communities and municipalities should ensure that the software solution in question allows the management of access rights to certain areas and meeting minutes, so that sensitive information remains confidential.

The benefits of a collaborative task management software for municipalities and local governments

A good task manager is essential for effective supervision of all areas of the commune. In WEDO, every member can get an overview of the status of every project, task, meeting and file.

This makes it possible to make informed decisions, identify potential bottlenecks and reallocate resources to optimize overall administrative productivity.

Software for the management of operational daily business of municipalities

The benefits of a task manager for an area manager:

Organization and monitoring of activities: A task manager enables the area manager to maintain an organized list of activities and projects underway in his or her area. This gives him or her an overview of all tasks to be completed, their status and deadlines.

Strategic planning in the public sector : Area managers can use a task manager to plan short-, medium- and long-term activities in their area. This helps him or her define objectives, allocate the necessary resources and develop strategies to meet community needs.

Distribution of responsibilities : Using a task manager, the sector manager can assign specific tasks to members of his team or to other departments in the commune or town hall. He can assign priorities and keep track of who is responsible for what, promoting role clarity.

Progress tracking : The task manager enables the area manager to monitor the progress of projects in real time. It can quickly detect delays or potential problems, enabling corrective action to be taken quickly.

Internal communication: The Area Manager can use the Task Manager to communicate with his team and other departments in the commune. He can share information, documents and updates on ongoing projects without having to send e-mails. This boosts collaboration and cohesion within the town hall.

Reduced forgetfulness: By recording all tasks to be completed in a task manager, the team leader minimizes the risk of oversight or neglect. He can be sure that nothing slips through the cracks and that all responsibilities are taken care of, with precise deadlines.

The benefits of a task manager for the employee:

Work management: A municipal software helps to keep track of the tasks assigned to the employee. They can organize their activities, set priorities and avoid oversights, all of which contribute to better workload management. Municipal operations can be managed from a computer, tablet or smartphone. This compatibility means that everyone, whether in the field or in the office, can find what they're looking for.

Project and file tracking: A municipality management solution enables employees to track the progress of specific projects or files on which they are not working alone. They can note milestones achieved, important information and actions to be taken, making it easier to collaborate with other colleagues or departments in the municipality.

Priority management: Employees can prioritize tasks according to importance and urgency. In this way, they can concentrate on activities that are crucial to the commune, and avoid being overwhelmed by lower-priority tasks.

Reminders and notifications: Task managers often offer the option of setting reminders and notifications. This ensures that the employee doesn't forget deadlines, important meetings or actions to be taken, thus contributing to better punctuality.

Personal assessment : A task manager enables employees to reflect on their own performance. They can analyze their achievements, identify areas for improvement and take steps to enhance their efficiency.

Case study: How did the commune of Saxon (CH) breathe new life into its activities with WEDO?

In this article, you'll discover how the Commune de Saxon improved internal communication between its councillors, sector managers and staff. A successful implementation, both in terms of productivity and staff motivation:

Read article

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